Your Proactive Caregiver Advocate: Dr. Cynthia Speaks!

Dr. Cynthia J. Hickman
2 min readJan 5, 2022


Topic: The Definition of Insanity-A New Year With Same Challenges

Have you heard that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result?

We made it! Welcome to 2022. If you are like me, most don’t mind kissing 2021 goodbye. Grateful that God has granted us the presence of another year. We have been through a lot, and for many caregivers, the New Year brought the same challenges that require us to navigate the role. We were challenged in 2021 and will continue to be challenged in 2022. The question becomes…what did we learn to decrease our insanity behaviors to help us prepare for the care of our loved ones? Will you ask for help?

As Your Proactive Caregiver Advocate, I am here to help you overcome the seasons of caregiver calamity. We should always learn from our past actions, and our past encounters should improve our actions and behaviors. Stress is deadly on many fronts, mentally and physically, and if not managed, problems soon develop. Now, we know that just because the numbers on the calendar change, it does not change the needs of a care recipient. The repeated challenges of caregiving are often rooted in the same reactive behavior. If we have ignored or suppressed the steps we need to take, by not being mindful or aware of the many duties that require preparation during a caregiving day…insanity ensures. What have you learned from 2021’s caregiving journey? These are the things I hope you learned from me.

Proactive Measures In Caregiving Space

· You must forecast the day’s event on the caregiver’s journey. Preparation is key, not just in caregivers but in every walk of life.

· Sometimes you have no control of a situation(outcomes of an illness or injury), but you can educate yourself to provide the best care possible.

· Identify and embrace your support system. Learn the gifts and talents of others to help out in the caregiver space.

· Know your loved one’s wishes and make sure documents are in one place for easy access in time of need.

Caregivers will always be a part of society. What occurs in the caregiver space will happen, but how we react and respond determines if we learned anything over the past year. The more you are involved proactively, your stress decreases. Each day should be a day of improvement, being different, but most of all, be proactive!

Compassionate care, love, and safety must always be your goal.

Be safe! Be well!



Dr. Cynthia J. Hickman

Dr. Hickman is the author of From the Lens of Daughter, Nurse, and Caregiver: A Journey of Duty and Honor and The Black Book of Important for Caregivers.