Your Proactive Caregiver Advocate: Dr. Cynthia Speaks!

Dr. Cynthia J. Hickman
2 min readNov 12, 2020

Nursing is my sacred profession!

I have a story to tell. The first encounter in the world of nursing was as a lifeguard, saving the pool manager’s life. He inhaled chlorine gas, changing a tank. His absence from the office was unusual, and in searching for him, I found him unresponsive and barely breathing. Putting the first aid skills into action learned in lifeguard training and seeing him recover was the first time it dawned that a profession of serving others was my calling. That experience framed who I am today. The laying on of hands saved his life. I wanted to learn and know more about the role of a nurse, a caregiver to others. Fast forward, a nurse since 1986, becoming a full-time caregiver to my mother in 2013, opened a whole new world. You see, providing care to patients and families in the hospital setting was somewhat different. I could come home after my shift, removing myself from the duty of the day to return another day. As a full-time caregiver, care at home, had a different feel. There was no escape to managing the needs of someone unable to do for themselves. I became a proactive caregiver. I was learning to be prepared. I learned to think ahead. I learned to be proactive instead of reactive. Managing all the areas of an individual’s care takes preplanning. In my book: From the Lens of Daughter, Nurse, And Caregiver: A Journey of Duty and Honor tells the story of paying attention. Taking care of mommy was challenging at times, but it was comforting to have a proactive mindset. I would love to hear your thoughts!



Dr. Cynthia J. Hickman

Dr. Hickman is the author of From the Lens of Daughter, Nurse, and Caregiver: A Journey of Duty and Honor and The Black Book of Important for Caregivers.