Your Proactive Caregiver Advocate: Dr. Cynthia Speaks!
Topic: Caregivers, I Had a Moment?
The feelings aligned with being an informal caregiver do not go away when the loved one passes on. From time to time, the associated factors that were a part of what goes on from day to day can often cause sadness or even depression.
Many of you know I had my mother under my roof for twenty years. That is a long time to wipe away the events surrounding care duties that occurred over such a long time. So much focus went into the physical, mental, emotional, and psychological care of our loved ones that an integral part of being a caregiver hangs in the balance when it is over. The balance of trying to get life back to normal. Normal, meaning before the caregiving role began. As an informal caregiver, the role is centered on making it through the day-to-day responsibilities, to wake up and do it all again.
The quality of life post caregiver has periods of emptiness and sadness. I realized, and why I am sharing this blog, to say out loud, despite the time that has passed since being a full-time caregiver, it is vital to acknowledge that I am sad some days. Sad, because I miss my mommy. Sad, I can’t get her a glass of water, or a soapy bath, or brush her hair, or attend church services with her. As Your Proactive Caregiver Advocate, know that it is vital to hug a caregiver. The support extended to informal caregivers should be ongoing and genuine. Be safe! Be well!