Your Proactive Caregiver Advocate: Dr. Cynthia Speaks!
Topic: Memories of a Caregiver
August will always have memories of days passed, filled with moments of happiness, sadness, fun, and reflections. In Cincinnati, Ohio, my sisters and I celebrated mommy’s birthday. She would be 102 years old if she were still alive. Mommy left us with years of countless life lessons. This season will always be a special moment in time. We promised to honor her each year and share our lessons with the generations coming behind us. We are now the generation charged with guiding our adult children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and cousins to instill in them to make a difference as they travel life’s journey.
While it is always hard to lose a loved one, I have worked very hard to use my grief for the good of others. The pivot of using the knowledge, tips, and strategies mommy left us is shared with family and friends. As family members, we do have a part to play in preparing the next generation of leaders. We should never take it for granted.
Our life’s lesson can be the success of another generation, and it is needed for us to pass it on. As Your Proactive Caregiver Advocate, know that sharing generational knowledge is the key to moving society forward. DO YOUR PART! Be safe and stay well.